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The North Carver Project is a proposed state-of-the-art warehouse facility to be located on 245 acres of property off Montello Street in North Carver. It comprises a brownfield revitalization plan that will allow the Town to consider development of a modern warehouse/distribution facility on a blighted and distressed property that has sat idle or underutilized for years. The site for this project is the only area in town zoned as a Green Business Park, and the redevelopment opportunity will generate economic development, jobs, and tax revenue opportunities for the town and surrounding areas. 

This website will be updated regularly with the latest information, an interactive FAQ section, and links to important information.
The initial step of the North Carver Project is the vote on proposed zoning bylaw amendments at Town Meeting on April 12.  The vote at Town Meeting will help determine the level of innovative development that will be allowed in the Green Business Park area only.

The vote at Town Meeting is not a yes or no vote on development. It is a vote to determine if zoning changes will be allowed to build a project that will be most beneficial to the residents of Carver. There are many other allowable and less desirable uses of the site which will not require a vote under current zoning by-laws.

Any development at this site will need to go through a standard site review process, regardless of the vote on the zoning amendments.

RDA Home Page Rendering.jpg

Artist Rendering of Building Proposed

Below is an interactive timeline showing the history of the North Carver Project site, as well as important milestones regarding the development of zoning and property bylaws pertaining to the Green Business Park.
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